Factory Of Sadness: A New Cleveland Sports Site


Welcome to Factory of Sadness (factoryofsadness.co), a new Cleveland sports site and a proud member of the FanSided Network.

FanSided has a long tradition of Cleveland sites. Browns fans have long gone to Dawg Pound Daily to get their Brownie fix. Wahoo’s On First is a new site, replacing the now shutdown Deep Left Field. WOF has quickly become one of the best Cleveland Indians fan sites on the net and the site provides year-round coverage of baseball’s loveable losers. Last but certainly not least, is Right Down Euclid, Fansided’s Cavs site. Formerly King James Gospel, we quickly learned it was a terrible idea to name any of our sites after any one player. Factory of Sadness will look to supplement those incredible site while also bringing you a fresh perspective on Cleveland sports from a broader perspective.

At FOS, we believe Cleveland sports is bigger than any one of her individual failures or triumphs. Its bigger than the insults, the parody and the pity.

Sometimes the only way to deal with adversity is to embrace it. The losing, the proud history, the seemingly endless barrage of ironic tragedy is part of who we are.

When we named this site, there was some concern that it would not be a hit with some fans. We understand some folks may be sick of being the butt of the joke.

But we don’t view it that way. Here at FOS, we’re proud of Cleveland sports; the good, the bad and the really bad.

Because if we can’t have a sense of humor about it all, how could we possibly go on?

Nah. We’re taking it back. We’re the Factory of Sadness…but one day, we won’t be any more. We look forward to that day.

And we are Cleveland Sports!