The Cleveland Browns have performed so poorly in the NFL Draft, that it’s time to rank the worst-of-the worst as the franchise continues to flounder.
Compiling the Cleveland Browns worst NFL Drafts since 1999 seems easy. The Browns have been so lousy for so long that “talent” has been a rumor around Berea since Cleveland’s re-birth as a franchise.
That said, the problem in deciding which drafts were the worse is because the Browns were SO lousy for SO long.
But with everyone pretty much shut in due to the COVID-19 pandemic, someone had to rank the worse drafts since 1999, and gosh darn it, it was me.
Working on the project ran me through a gauntlet of emotions. I recalled old names and remembered how hopeful I was that “This was the year the Browns would finally turn the page,” but those memories eventually led me down a highway of sadness.
No team’s draft record is perfect, but for the Browns to be so unsuccessful picking players goes against the law of averages. Somewhere, the Brownie Elf has Jakob Bernoulli, the founder of said law of averages,” in a headlock, providing him with an ongoing, 20-year-old noogie.
So, take this trip down memory lane with me, if you dare, Browns town. I promise you, you won’t feel good when it’s over.
If you do make it to the end of the right, let me know how you would rank the worst drafts since 1999. Is there one not listed? We’d love to hear your reasoning. Good luck!