Some fans of the Browns are mad at quarterback Baker Mayfield.
Yes, it is a slow news day, why do you ask? Some controversies are so dumb they need to be written about. Is this one of those controversies? Probably, so here we are. So buckle up, because this is dumb. Some fans of the Browns are mad at Baker Mayfield for, get this, wearing a San Diego Padres jersey.
Now granted, if this were the World Series, and Mayfield shows up repping a Padres jersey when they’re playing the Indians, yeah. That’d be understandable. After all, LeBron James did that with the Yankees and Indians. So of course it’d be the same issue. It’s not a huge issue, mind you. No one is losing their job or going hungry because of it. It’s a silly dumb sports thing, but it’d be understandable.
Yet, to be mad about Mayfield having a team he enjoys that isn’t an Indians team? Really? You’re allowed to be a fan of the Indians and still like another team. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. The Padres weren’t taking on the Indians, they were in Chicago, not San Diego.
Mayfield and his wife were apparently in San Diego for their friend’s wedding, so it’s even less of a reason to be mad.
Confirmed: Browns QB Baker Mayfield is a Padres fan.
— Danny Vietti (@DannyVietti) June 22, 2021
Worry less about his baseball fandom and more about his desire to be in Cleveland.
Everyone here has had a non-Cleveland team they liked at some point. For this writer, it was the mid-00’s Jets (Chad Pennington and Curtis Martin? Yes.), the early to mid-2000 Buccaneers, the Jeff Bagwell led Astros, and the David Robinson and Tim Duncan Spurs. It turns out you’re able to cheer for more than one team.
Go figure.
Yet in a country with an ever-increasing belief in tribalism and “us vs. them”, of course, some jerks are going to overreact about Mayfield wearing a Padres jersey.
Be more concerned if he opts to leave Cleveland for somewhere else. Then your frustrations would at least be justified, after all, Mayfield has made it clear Cleveland is where he wants to be. So yes, if he were to leave, that would be a reason to get upset.
A baseball jersey? Come on. Stop being so silly.