New Era and their attempt to release an Indians hat that can be boiled down to “they tried”.
New Era must’ve just hired someone new who doesn’t understand design. That’s the only explanation that can explain away just how bad some (all?) of these hats are. Each of these New Era hats is heavily embroiled with different little stitched-on patches. It’s like if New Era worked at Bennigans or TGI Fridays and needed to adorn each hat with 41 pieces of flare. The Indians version of the cap isn’t just bad, it might actually be offensive. Mostly just because of how putrid and terrible it is.
if you like clip art and area codes and fifth grade art projects and wait is that a pierogi and good grief enough with the guitars – then boy do i have a hat for you
— Zack Meisel (@ZackMeisel) May 25, 2021
(New Era made one of these for each team, incredibly)
What is this mess?
Firstly, there’s the “216” on the front right of the cap. Sure, Cleveland’s in the 216-area code but most of the people who drive in to see the game live there or in the 440 area code just west. Then there’s an acoustic guitar. You know, because that and not electric guitars are most associated withs rock and roll. Then there’s the Ohio buckeye on the left side, which is fine but has no bearing or influence over the Indians franchise. It’s a Columbus thing. You wouldn’t see that on the Reds’ ballcap (except you will). Then on the back, you have pirogi, despite the fact that most of Cleveland and its suburbs also have a heavy Italian influence on them as well. So maybe it’s also a stromboli?
Then you have a red Ohio with the year the team was founded in,1901. That’s not bad. Just to the right, you have some patch celebrating the 1920 World Series (but not the ’48 series?).
The whole hat looks like New Era just googled “Good Cleveland Things” and was like “yeah, that’ll do.” It’s a hacky attempt to appeal to Clevelanders without actually putting in any effort. The worst part is the idea of doing a patch-hat isn’t a bad idea. The patch designs are awful and most of them barely make sense if you’re actually from Cleveland.
At least they make the Cavs’ jersey’s from this year look like the best possible option.
I’d say “you tried” but we have to ask, did you try, New Era?