Dear Cavs: Disappointed in James Blair Returning to the Q


Reportedly, according to him, James Blair, the kid who ran on the court when LeBron James was back in Cleveland wearing that dumb hand made white shirt, has had his suspension lifted:

From the title of this story and the words so far, I think it is clear where we stand on this issue. So this is our letter to the Cleveland Cavaliers. You, our readers and Cavs fans, decide whether or not to send it to the Cavs, Twitter account is @Cavs. If you think it is appropriate, tweet it to them (New Window). If not, tweet or comment to us and let us know.

Dear Cleveland Cavaliers Organization,

Great off-season. Amazing job putting together a very talented and good fitting team together. You have gotten accolades from all over and we want to make sure you know how excited we are.

Now on to the real reason for this letter.

We are highly disappointed in your decision to lift James Blair’s ban from attending games at The Q. (On a side note, if he lied in his tweet disregard the rest of this letter as he is just showing the character we disapprove of once again.)

Blair made a poor choice to go on to the court when LeBron James was back in town. While a youngster, it is still a poor decision that could put the players and other fans at risk. Thankfully neither Blair nor any of the players on the court took matters into their own hands or did something else foolish.

Blair was rightfully banned from The Q for life. That is the team’s policy and it is a good one.

With that action Blair set a terrible example for the children in our community, was a national bad example of what Cleveland fans are and placed the Cavs organization in a negative light. Blair does not represent Cleveland Cavaliers fans.

Since that event Blair has been followed by many people, including at one time LeBron himself. He and LeBron may even communicate. But let us be very clear: James Blair had nothing, zero, zip, zilch, nadda to do with James returning to Cleveland. He received his 15 minutes of fame by breaking the rules of The Q. He deserves nothing more.

The decision to rescind his ban is bad example for many. For children, teenagers and some adults it sends the message that breaking rules is fine as long as you get attention and someone famous likes it. He tells other people, like the kid who ran on the stage in Akron for the Homecoming, that these behaviors are okay or even encouraged. It also tells the nation that this sort of behavior is something your fine organization takes lightly.

There seems to be no reason for the organization to make this decision. Even if LeBron himself asked for it to happen, which I hope/doubt he did, Blair should remain banned from the arena.

I am all for forgiveness and grace. Those things are deserved to everyone who turns from their ways when they make mistakes. At LeBron’s homecoming Blair was there, in the very same shirt he wore when he ran onto the court that led to him being banned, I know because I saw him there. That is no sign of a person who has turned from their ways. Instead that is a person trying to milk his poor decision to get something out of it.

The Cavs have a social obligation to the community to hold high those who do good and hold accountable those who do not. We believe that James Blair’s ban being lifted sends the wrong message about Cleveland fans and the Cavaliers organization and the wrong message to the community.

We hope you reconsider prior to the season and reinstate his ban indefinitely.

Signed,   Jared K. Mueller and Many Cavaliers Fans from All Over

(Update: As a follow up this is a tweet that Blair sent to another Cavs writer. That writer is a great writer, fan and humanitarian (his efforts in Ferguson alone prove that). This is the guy that the Cavs have chosen to give a second chance.):