Browns: If Josh Gordon Had To Be Dealt, What Is The Return?
By Ryan Rosko

Keep Gordon Unless It’s For A First Or Second Pick
Mac Aljancic
Josh Gordon has played in 5 games, while being suspended for 27, during the last two seasons. He was reinstated less than a month ago, and started practicing just last week.
On the other hand, his 117.6 yards per game average in 2013 was the second highest over the last 33 NFL seasons!
So when it comes to Flash, it is pretty much feast or famine. With his lengthy history of football famine, I would definitely be listening to other teams.
Considering, however, Gordon’s “Golden Corral Buffet feast” of 2013, the least that I would settle for is a second round pick. When it comes to the draft, a third round pick is likely to provide, at best, an adequate contributor (Duke Johnson, John Hughes, and Christian Kirksey are the Browns’ top third round selections since 2000). So I would rather gamble on a 10% chance of a Gordon redemption than collect a mid to low-round pick to spend on random back-up/special teams guy.
But a chance to squeeze a first or second rounder for him prior to a potential flame-out would be a very Ivy League, analytical thing to do. Maybe Paul DePodesta can also get a team to throw in a catcher with a high on-base percentage!
Next: Let Gordon Prove Himself