Should the NBA ever do a comic book inspired jersey, the Cavs choice is obvious
By Chad Porto

ESPN caused a bit of a conversation on social media after they posted srelix’s comic book-jersey crossover, but he bungled the Cavs.
While the odds of the NBA getting both Marvel and DC Comics to cooperate in creating comic-themed NBA jersey’s is more of a pipedream than a possibility that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea to dream of. The folks at ESPN posted a collage from srelix on their social media and caused a lot of fans to fantasize about what team would get what character. If Cavs fans were hoping for the obvious, they’re going to be left disappointed.
Now, if you’re a fan of comic books you may know right off the bat who the Cavs character should be. It’s fair to assume most reading this are not big fans of comics or don’t care enough to follow more in-depth. You may or may not know this but the most popular and well-known superhero of all time was created in a little burb right outside of Cleveland.
That character is none other than Superman. So when someone makes jersey variants, Superman should be the obvious option, not Iron Man. Especially not an Iron Man variant which looks like a 9-year-old’s Halloween costume.
Made even worse, the creator gave the Superman design to the Philadelphia 76ers.
These are all in good fun, and most are really impressive to look at, but the creator really flubbed the Superman/Cleveland idea. The creator of these jerseys, srelix, is also known as Mikey Halim and has an impressive Instagram account and website that feature all sorts of sports design variants. Three of the best from his NBA/comic crossover are the San Antonio Spurs, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Atlanta Hawks.
Next. The only reason the Cavs should return this season is for an all-league playoff. dark