Sounds like Browns WR Jarvis Landry took veiled shot at Baker Mayfield

Browns (Photo by Joe Sargent/Getty Images)
Browns (Photo by Joe Sargent/Getty Images) /

Fans of the Cleveland Browns are starved for some news, but not this kind. The latest trip through the news cycle has Jarvis Landry stating he shouldn’t have returned from his injury so soon.

Landry took to Twitter to plead his case, ending his post letting Cleveland know that the ball is in their court.

The Browns will most certainly look at restructuring Landry’s contract–not doing so and carrying his high cap number would be reckless.

But beyond the contract conundrum, it appeared Landry took a shot a Baker Mayfield, who like his teammate, was injured and is coming off the worst year of his career.

Here’s what Landry said, via Twitter:

"“Reality behind all this is I came back to play in the best shape of my life, I got hurt week 2 with a high grade MCL Sprain, Partial quad tear and bone bruise. Then came back way to early and ended up staying hurt the entire season. You never heard me mention anything about it …"

Who’s injuries were talked about seemingly every day?  Ding. Ding. Baker Mayfield. The quarterback was also leaking information to national broadcasters, such as Fox’s Jay Glazer before the Browns Thursday night game against the Broncos.

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There’s no way to know if Landry really was taking a shot at Mayfield. That said, it’s the price paid for posting on social media, rather than talking to the press and answering questions where reporters can follow-up.

We’re left to interpret what Landry said, and if you think about the Browns season as a whole, the receiver’s comments don’t exactly paint Mayfield in a favorable light.

Landry’s public silence after the season is one of the big reasons the local press is speculating that all isn’t well with the former Pro Bowler and his quarterback.

Landry addressed this in his Tweet barrage, saying he didn’t speak because he was too focused on getting healthy for next season. Fifteen minute? He doesn’t have 15 minutes?  His lack of availability is a big deal, because it’s perceived he is sour over the team’s break-up with Odell Beckham over Baker Mayfield’s inability to get him the ball.

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There’s a case to be made for the Browns to bring back Landry, if he agrees to redo his deal, while rumor has it support for Mayfield with Browns HQ has never been weaker.