Ranking every Cleveland Browns first round draft pick since 1999
By Chad Porto
22. QB Brandon Weeden, 2012 – 22nd Overall
Maybe drafting a 28-year-old, failed baseball player, was not the smartest move in 2012? Especially considering Russell Wilson was in that draft and went to Seattle in the third round. Now, if I were to ask you today; “Weeden or Wilson?”, it’s basically a toss-up. I know, that’s a hard question. A guy who last just two years as a starter in Cleveland or a Super Bowl champion, future Hall of Famer?
Jokes aside, yeah, Weeden was bad. Not Brady Quinn or Johnny Manziel bad, but bad. He at least lasted in the NFL longer than both of them, combined. Sure, he only had lasted two years in Cleveland like both men, but he won five games (and lost 15), so there’s that. Quinn and Manziel only one three and two games respectively, so Weeden by sheer wins alone was the better prospect.
Ironically, it was Manziel’s arrival that kicked Weeden out of Cleveland. Weeden would go on to play in Dallas for the Cowboys, with the Tennessee Titans, and eventually with the Houston Texans before calling it a career. An absolute bust as a first-rounder, sure, but as far as NFL careers go, playing for six years and making a few million dollars along the way ain’t bad.