The Cleveland Browns are trying for a new stadium, but why?
The Cleveland Browns are making it known to anyone and everyone, they want a new stadium. With a dome. After over a century of football being played in the elements in Cleveland, the Haslams are not only done with the stadium, which they claim was hastily built, they want a new stadium, with a roof, so the team doesn’t have to play in that yucky Lake Eerie weather anymore.
And there are some who will back this idea, who will swear this is good for the town. Think of all the new events they can get. Like WrestleMania and the Super Bowl and the Final Four and…well that’s basically it.
They can get these monumental experiences that actually are a pain in the butt to deal with if you live in the city and aren’t the cash cows they seem to be; namely because the city has to pay to host the thing anyway.
Wanting a new stadium with a roof on it, so you can have the chance of getting WrestleMania or the Super Bowl is like leaving your loyal and dutiful wife, for the chance of hooking up with a supermodel. Sure, there’s a chance it happens, but it’s so minuscule you’d be a fool for ending a relationship for that reason.
Sure, the Browns may have the stadium for such an event, but what about all the other things? Infrastructure, hotel, nightlife, and all the other things that go along with it? There’s a reason why cities like Los Angeles, New Orleans, Houston, Miami, and other cities are constantly getting these events over and over again.
They have the hotels, nightlife, and all the other amenities to be able to make it a desirable location to host. Not only that, but a dome doesn’t make the Cleveland weather magically go away. Just because the matches or games won’t be played in eight inches of snow and ice, doesn’t mean the city won’t be.
I hate to break it to people, but the Browns’ dome doesn’t stretch over the entire city. Why would you go to snowy and cold Cleveland, with its awful roads and terrible driving in the winter, when you can just go back to Dallas or Phoenix?
A new Cleveland Browns stadium is only going to hurt the fans
The new stadium the Haslams want won’t be paid for by the Haslams. It’ll be paid for by you, the taxpayers. Your taxes will probably go up to accommodate this project. A project that’ll cost billions, with a “b”.
Not only that but with a shiny new stadium, comes an increased demand for higher ticket sales. After all, they’ll have luxury boxes they’ll have to sell now, and that means that they’ll want to attract a higher-end type of fan. That means that the Browns will likely up their ticket costs not only to help cover the cost of the stadium, as the Haslams will have to pay some part of it but to make sure the right type of fans come to the stadium.
This also means, more than likely, moving the stadium away from the lakefront, and possibly ending any ties to the Muni Lot. Now, I’m no fan of tailgating, but could you imagine no Muni Lot mornings on Sundays?
This would be a poor investment by the city. If we’ve learned nothing from past cities that host these events, the investment by the city almost never gets returned. These big-time events are often a detriment to the area.
Not only that but a domed stadium in Cleveland? There goes the Browns’ entire identity. Might as well just change the name at that point. Changing the team’s very identity? The Halsams are truly the worst thing to happen to this team in the history of the franchise.