The Cleveland Browns are facing some potential concerns heading into the 2023 season.
The Cleveland Browns have done an admirable job this offseason trying to get their team up to par with the rest of the league, whether or not they’ve done that will be revealed this season. The key issues that the team has tried to address include but aren’t limited to, the defensive line, the safeties, and the wide receiver position.
The Browns have nearly exhausted all of their finances trying to shore up these positions, and have made it beyond necessary to keep an eye out for key players in the NFL Draft that may be able to help them, as well as in the rookie free agent market following the draft.
As long as they make a few strong picks to bolster several key positions, they should be going into the season in decent shape. That said, just because they’ve addressed areas of concern, that doesn’t mean the team isn’t looking at any other potential issues.
The team is in a bizarre place, where they’re both very young in key places and very old in others. And with football being such a simpatico sport, where all 11 players have to execute their jobs perfectly to achieve success, one group or one player not doing so will drag them down.
The Browns don’t have any other obvious positions of need beyond what was previously mentioned, but there are concerns that the team may develop more issues during the season. This isn’t uncommon and routinely happens. It’s why teams are constantly needing to draft or sign new players, so they can fix the holes that develop over time. These are the Browns’ potential issues that I’d keep an eye on over the season.