The Cleveland Browns need to move on from Perrion Winfrey

Cleveland Browns Perrion Winfrey (Photo by Nick Cammett/Getty Images)
Cleveland Browns Perrion Winfrey (Photo by Nick Cammett/Getty Images)

The Cleveland Browns need to move on from Perrion Winfrey

The Cleveland Browns seem like a stereotypical young-adult female lead in a campy book about a bad boy. They, like the said female lead, constantly think they can fix the bad boy. Let’s be honest though, neither can and just like in those campy romance movies, the attempt to do so always blows up in the face of the Browns.

Odell Beckham didn’t change. Malik McDowell didn’t change. Josh Gordon didn’t change. Ross Verba didn’t change. Johnny Manziel didn’t change. Perrion Winfrey isn’t going to change. So why are the Browns even hesitating to cut Winfrey?

This isn’t Winfrey’s first go-around either. He’s got well-documented maturity issues, which even prompted Myles Garrett to call out the then-rookie during a press conference. He was eventually suspended for a game, and left inactive for three more. He also apparently got himself into an accident while recklessly driving his car, giving himself a concussion in the process.

Now Winfrey is again in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, as the soon-to-be second-year defensive tackle got arrested on April 10 for assaulting his girlfriend. It was apparently so bad that bystanders had to intervene on her behalf. According to the victim, this is not the first time that Winfrey has laid his hands on her.

It’s time the Browns wise up and realize that you can’t fix what doesn’t want to be.

The Cleveland Browns’ track record says they’re not going to cut Perrion Winfrey

Even if a player drags down a team and is a disease to the community, Andrew Berry has shown that he won’t cut anyone, as long as they produce or have potential. The Browns didn’t let McDowell go because he got arrested, they let him go because he sucked on the field. I don’t believe for one second that Berry or the Browns as a whole care about things like violence against women.

They have a pretty strong record of not caring about that sort of thing.

So I don’t expect them to cut Winfrey. They should, not just on the grounds of his behavior, which is egregious, but on the grounds of his play, which is also a fireable offense.