This is the worst Top 10 we’ve ever seen for the Cleveland Cavaliers
Admittedly, the Cleveland Cavaliers are not the NBA royalty that teams like the Los Angeles Lakers or Boston Celtics are. They’re only 52 years old and were the 17th team added to the league. The Phoenix Suns are older than the Cavaliers for proper context. A lot of NBA and pro basketball history happened before the Cavs were a thing.
Then it took nearly 20 years before the Cavs were actually good, consistently. When Brad Daugherty and Mark Price were ruling things, the team wasn’t even 20 years old. When LeBron James arrived, the team was just 33 years old. James’ mother Gloria is just two years older than the club.
All that is to emphasize how little history the Cavs truly have to draw on compared to others. With that said, however, the Cavs have a clear and obvious Top 10, and if you follow the team you know who they largely should be. And boy, did Barstool Cleveland not get the assignment.
Our Top-10 Cleveland Cavalier Players of All-Time!
— Barstool Cleveland (@BS_Cleveland) April 19, 2023
Who should’ve made the list?
Barstool Cleveland adds little to the conversation around the Cleveland Cavaliers
Honesty in opinion matters. It’s what separates someone who is looking for clicks and views, like this post clearly was, and someone else who looks at sports with context and nuance. To even insinuate that Ricky Davis, Scott Pollard, and Matthew Delevadova were in the Top 10 of all-time Cleveland Cavaliers? Either this person knows nothing about the team and its accomplishments, or they’re just trying to get a reaction out of people.
That’s being disingenuous and any sports media member has to avoid such a concept like the plague. The minute you make your observations about being controversial and not about honesty, that’s the minute you lose any dignity whatsoever.
The Cavs deserve better conversations about them than what is offered up here.