The Cleveland Buckeyes
Not a fan of the name. Buckeyes? Really? Fine, it’s been attached to the school for generations and it’s not something that will ever be changed. That’s ok, I get it, but you don’t have to settle with it for a pro team. A nut? Really? That’s what we’re reduced to now? Not even a good nut, either. A nut that is mildly toxic.
Toxic Nuts. Now there’s your punk band name for the day.
While the term “buckeye” has been used since 1840 to describe Ohioans, that isn’t exactly a reason to name a professional baseball team after it. After all, in a state known for its science and medical breakthroughs is a nut really that impressive anymore? No one is suggesting naming the team something silly like the Astronauts, Moonwalkers, or the Isotopes….well, maybe one of those isn’t bad but the point is that the team needs to be more represented of not just the times but the region as well.
The brand name should be modern, hip, cool, jazzed up and any other outdated term one can come up with that means awesome. It shouldn’t just be something that people over 50 feel nostalgia for. It should have an identity of its own, one that can be both inspiring and imaginative. One that can bring new fans to the park, and can work with the team’s color schemes. Something that joins the shared history of the town but also stands on its own to be something completely unto itself.
The Buckeye’s just ain that.