Now that training camp is over, there are still three glaring issues the Browns will need to see play out during the 2020 season.
The Cleveland Browns have a lot to figure out in 2020. While training camp may have answered some questions for some teams, it did not answer the questions for this team. Sure, this specific squad of Browns players didn’t really have to worry about much competition this year, with everyone who was expected to start, largely earning their spots. So the question of “who was going to start” had a pretty obvious answer.
Yet, due to a shortened training camp, no preseason games, and no off-season workouts, the Browns and every other NFL team will go into the year with a team that may not exactly be ready to go all out. There will be errors, there will be mistakes and there will be a lot of miffed fans.
That doesn’t mean the Browns are destined for doom, however. It just means that the Browns, like every other team in the league this year, have a lot of questions still unanswered. Those questions centered around reports coming out of camp that weren’t too kind to three specific positions.
Unfortunately, without even naming them, you already know the biggest issues surrounding this team. That’s because the team, while it made moves to improve those issues, made those moves with younger, mostly rookie type players. Guys with potential but not a track record. There’s no telling what this team will look like because of that. It could be the biggest disaster since 1995’s Judge Dredd or it could be as impressive as a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece; like 2012’s Dredd.
(*Go watch Dredd, it’s good.)